在Bern-Rotterdam研究之后,另一项临床研究BASKET LATE研究显示,3年随访后发现直径<3mm的药物支架比直径>3mm的药物支架表现更好。
在Bern-Rotterdam研究之后,另一项临床研究BASKET LATE研究显示,3年随访后发现直径<3mm的药物支架比直径>3mm的药物支架表现更好。
瑞士的Peter Juni博士称紫杉醇药物洗脱支架和雷帕霉素洗脱支架相比,出现明确的支架内血栓的比例稍高(P=0.21)。
Juni根据一项已经发表的荟萃分析(Stettler et al, The Lancet, 2007)获得关于裸支架的相关数据用来评估明确的支架内血栓形成对于总体死亡率的影响到底有多大。这项荟萃分析显示共有687例患者死亡,共有87例为明确的支架内血栓形成,其中15例死亡。
Matthias Pfisterer, MD, of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, said that in BASKET LATE at three-year follow-up, cardiac death/MI occurred two to three times more frequently with DES vs. bare-metal stents. These findings back up the 18-month follow-up data, Pfisterer said.
After adjusting for patients who withdrew before follow-up, the patient cohort consisted of 532 DES patients and 275 bare-metal stent patients. At three years, there were significantly more instances of late cardiac death/MI (after six months) with DES compared with bare-metal stents (3.5% vs. 1.5%, P=.009).
A subgroup analysis between patients with large (n=558) and small (n=558) stents (>3 mm vs. <3 mm) showed that, in patients with small stents, there was no difference in survival, but there was a difference in survival free of MI, MACE-free survival, and TVR (see Figure).
Pfisterer reported a persistent benefit with small DES over large DES and with DES over either size of bare-metal stent in high-risk patients in terms of increased rate of late cardiac death/MI (P=.008).
To study cardiac death and MI in patients with large stents (>3 mm), researchers have initiated the BASKET PROVE trial. Enrollment was completed in May.