
[ESH2012]顽固性高血压治疗的新方法:肾脏去神经术——Roland E. Schmieder教授访谈

作者:  R.E.Schmieder   日期:2012/5/11 15:17:23


肾脏交感神经射频消融术为那些非药物治疗联合常规降压治疗血压仍不能被控制的高血压患者提供了新的治疗方法。研究显示,血压高于160 mm Hg的患者在常规降压治疗6个月后,接受肾脏交感神经射频消融术,血压降至140 mm Hg 以下者占40%,降至160 mm Hg以下者占40%。因此患者对手术治疗反应率高,达到84%。尽管如此,仍然意味着每6个患者中还有1个对此手术无反应,这些手术治疗无效的患者应该得到重视,有必要进一步研究。另外,交感神经系统不仅影响血压且影响靶器官损害程度。因此,通过切断支配肾脏的交感神经降低交感神经的整体活性能更有效降低靶器官损害。目前该手术仍面临一些问题:首先无法预测哪类患者能从该手术中获益或获益更多。有一种假设认为糖尿病患者可能对该手术有很好的反应性,但尚无确凿的证据证明该观点。另外,手术安全性尚不明确。美敦力公司开展的两项大规模试验显示,所有患者至少3年内不会发生不良反应,但尚不能确定5年或10年后是否仍安全有效。

  International Circulation: Renal denervation is for resistant hypertension. How important is the sympathetic nervous system especially for resistant hypertension?
  Dr Schmieder: We have very good data that in hypertension and in particular in resistant hypertension, we have increased sympathetic activity. The overall sympathetic activity level is augmented in particular to the heart and the kidneys.
  International Circulation: And it is more important for resistant hypertension?
  Dr Schmieder: There is no comparison between mild hypertension, for example, and resistant hypertension. This applies across the whole progression of hypertensive disease and not only for blood pressure but also for organ damage. We also have an effect of the sympathetic nervous system on organ damage.
  International Circulation: One of the reasons why we are excited about renal denervation is that it appears to be a technique that works in resistant hypertension. One of the hypotheses being raised is that maybe the sympathetic nervous system has a more important role in resistant hypertension as opposed to treatable hypertension.
  Dr Schmieder: This is a question that cannot be adequately answered at this time. What we know is that when we apply renal denervation to patients with resistant hypertension we have a drop in blood pressure and we have a fall in the overall activity of the sympathetic nervous system. To sort out which are the major determinants of these two has not yet been done and is a matter of ongoing study.
  Dr Schmieder:有很多研究结果证实高血压特别是顽固性高血压的情况下交感神经活性是增加的。
  Dr Schmieder:没有研究对轻度高血压和顽固性高血压进行对比。这一观点适用于高血压疾病的整个进展过程,并且不光适用于血压还适用于靶器官损害。交感神经系统对靶器官损害也有重要作用。体交感神经活性水平在心脏和肾脏中更高。
  Dr Schmieder:这个问题目前还不能完全如此解释。我们目前已知的是当我们为顽固性高血压患者进行肾脏去神经术后患者的血压确实会降低,并且患者的交感神经系统整体活性也降低。目前还没有研究来弄清引起这两种结果的主要原因,这也是以后的研究需要探索的领域。

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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